What is real, what is artificially generated? This series examines how images are perceived in the age of AI. Inspired by museum labels that describe artworks with academic high-browness and literary eloquence, you are first presented with just a detailed description of an image, prompting you to conjure the artwork in your mind. Upon seeing the actual image, you are confronted with the initial question—what is real, what is AI?
Click on descriptions to reveal each image. Answers at the end.

If you guessed images 3, 4 and 6 are AI, I'm sorry. All images in this series are 100% real, unaltered photographs. Their descriptions, on the other hand, are all generated by AI.
To create the series, an AI model was given context and direction to describe each uploaded photograph in extreme detail, with the literary eloquence and academic high-browness one would find in museum labels.

(Okay, this mockup image is actually AI. Real Mind Prompts Flash Cards are coming soon, though)